Hepatic Detox

Forever partying

Hepatic Detox

Getting the liver back in shape

Throughout our lives, we use the powerful filter which is our liver, but like any other filter it needs to be "cleaned" from time to time.
Sugar (present in almost all of our food), alcohol (which is also a sugar) clog our hepatic system day after day. Up to the age of + - 35 years our body manages to keep our liver on top while gradually becoming obstructed to achieve over time a significant decrease in its capacities.
The hepatic detox cure deeply cleanses our liver and gives it back its full functions.

Don't wait until you have problems, pay attention to your liver and keep it working at 100%.

After an "excess" such as a drunken evening, an anti-inflammatory/painkiller treatment, a cure with paracetamol or any chemical drug, do not let your body fighting on its own to repair the damages, the hepatic detox is made for you.

The ozonotherapy